Syla Integration

A guide on how to integrate your Digital Surge wallet with Syla for tax purposes

Jeremiah avatar
Written by Jeremiah
Updated over a week ago

Syla makes it simple to complete your crypto tax obligations. Providing a stress-free process, Syla is easy to use and can help you generate a tax report for you to complete your taxes.

This simple guide will show you how you can import all your transactions from Digital Surge into the Syla platform.

How to setup your Digital Surge account with Syla using an API

Step 1

Open your account in Syla and click ‘Add Data Source’

Step 2

Type in ‘Digital Surge’ in the wallets section and click on the DS icon. Once you have done this, please click on ‘API Key’

Step 3

Create an API key by heading over to the API key page from your Digital Surge account.

Once you’ve done that, click on ‘create a new API key’

You will arrive at the following screen, please ensure you click ‘Read only’ and then click next.

You will then be prompted to enter your 2FA code to continue to the final page.

Once you have confirmed your 2FA, you will be presented with your API key. Please copy this code and select finish.

Step 4

Copy the API key you created on your Digital Surge account and paste it into the below field on Syla.

Once you have done this, simply select ‘Secure Sync’.

How to import data with CSV export

Step 1

Firstly, you will need to retrieve your transaction history. Open your dropdown menu and click on your transaction history.

Digital Surge CSV Instructions 1

Step 2

Click on ‘export history’

Digital Surge CSV Instructions 2

Then, click on your transaction history

Digital Surge CSV Instructions 3

Step 3

Ensure you have entered the correct dates, starting from before your first transaction.

Then, choose the CSV option and hit export history to download the file.

Digital Surge CSV Instructions 4

Step 4

Head over to Syla and simply click ‘Add Data Source’ from your dashboard

Step 5

Type in ‘Digital Surge’ in the wallets section and click on the DS icon. Once you have done this, please click on ‘File Import’. Here, you can upload your transaction history that you have just downloaded.

Step 6

Now that you have successfully added your transaction file, your data will sync with Syla

From here, you can generate a crypto tax report to assist you in completing your taxes.

As always, if you have any questions or require assistance, please reach out to our live support team.

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