Swapping crypto allows you to exchange one cryptocurrency for another in one simple transaction, reducing both time and fees. Instead of selling a cryptocurrency into AUD and then purchasing another asset (which incurs two trading fees), the Swap feature lets you trade one crypto directly for another in a single step.
Steps to Swap Your Crypto
Step 1: Access the Swap Coins Feature
From your Dashboard, open the drop-down menu and select ‘Swap Coins’.
Alternatively, you can also access the Swap option from the Buy & Sell page for specific assets.
Step 2: Select the Crypto to Swap
Search for and select the cryptocurrency you want to swap from (in this example, BTC)
Step 3: Enter the Swap Amount
Enter the amount of crypto you wish to swap.
You can manually enter the amount or choose one of the pre-set percentages.
To swap all of your selected asset, click ‘Max’.
In the second field, choose the crypto you wish to swap to (in this example, ETH).
The system will display the amount of the new cryptocurrency you will receive.
Click ‘Review Your Order’ to proceed.
Step 4: Review and Confirm Your Order
Review the details of your swap, including the rates and amounts.
Once you’re satisfied, click ‘Confirm Your Order’ to complete the transaction.
Step 5: Swap Complete
That’s it! You have successfully swapped your crypto. A confirmation message will be displayed once the transaction is finalized.
Need Help?
If you have any questions or need assistance with swapping crypto, feel free to contact us via live chat or email us at contact@digitalsurge.com.au.