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KoinX Integration

How to connect your Digital Surge account to KoinX

Johnny avatar
Written by Johnny
Updated over 2 months ago

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Connect your Digital Surge account to KoinX for coin tracking and tax reporting. The easiest way to connect your account is through the API integration. Alternatively, you can upload your trades and transfer history as a CSV file, which can be downloaded directly from your Digital Surge account.

How to setup your Digital Surge account with KoinX using an API

Step 1: Go to KoinX and log in or create an account.

Step 2: Connect your Digital Surge account by heading to the integrations page, then search for "Digital Surge".

Step 3: After you have selected Digital Surge, you will be prompted to import data. Select the API Key option.

Then click on advanced to change the import transactions from date to a start date that covers all your transaction data on your Digital Surge account.

Step 4: You'll now need to create an API key on your Digital Surge account by heading over to the API Key page from your Digital Surge account.

  1. Click the drop-down menu and select API Key.

  2. Click Create a New API Key

  3. You can then create a Read Only key.

  4. You will then be asked to enter your Two-Factor Authentication Code or SMS code for security.

  5. Your API key will be displayed for you to copy and share with the 3rd party application.

Step 5: Copy the API key you created on your Digital Surge account, paste it into the API key field on KoinX, and press "Import Now".

Note: The syncing process can take a few minutes.

And that’s it. Your Digital Surge trading activity will now automatically sync with your KoinX account.

How to import data with CSV export

You can also import your Digital Surge transactions through a CSV file directly to the KoinX Account.

Step 1: Retrieve your trades and transfer history as a CSV file by clicking the drop-down menu and selecting Transaction History.

  • Select the Export History button and select the trades and transfers history.

  • Select the date period and the CSV file format, and then export history.

  • Note: You can leave the date range empty, and it will retrieve all your transactions

Step 2: Return to KoinX, head to the integrations page, and search for "Digital Surge".

Step 3: Upload your trades and transfers history as CSV files to KoinX, then press submit.

Your wallet and transactions will now be added to your KoinX account. Please note that you must upload new CSV files with new transactions to update your KoinX account.

If you have any other questions, feel free to let me know. We're happy to help.

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